Monday, January 31, 2011

A New Day

It feels really good to know that we are starting something new tomorrow. Today is my last day as a "working" mom although I will still be working from home. I am so excited about this new chapter -- staying home, homeschooling, COOKING, finding time to take care of myself and everyone else.

Tomorrow my husband and I will also begina 28-day detox program. I need to get rid of addictions to sugar and caffeine, and we both need to lose a few. I will be reading a few books along the way to replace my cravings and hopefully get me through the hard part (the first week is supposedly really tough). I have been wanting to do this for a while and I cannot wait to report how I feel.

The kids are excited too - Flower says she will have the best teacher ever. The Boy has mixed feelings but ultimately understands why this is better. Birdie is just herself - and I cannot wait for more snuggle time before she's too old to care.

God is a God of blessings and unlimited love. I want to recycle that and give that love and blessing to others. This is my first step. . .