Thursday, March 13, 2008

"Swimming" in March

I was reading Monica's post about spring cleaning her master bedroom, and I was inspired by her daughters' fun using a shower curtain liner as a pool on the floor.

Tonight, life presented the opportunity for me to introduce this idea to my kids. They ran in the room with swimming trunks on (my daughter was wearing her brother's too-small pair) and I ran to the linen closet to grab an odd sheet. I told them it was a pool, and it was an instant 15 minutes of play. They ran and got their bath toys, they "swam", they "dove", and then they decided they wanted to go "under" the water and proceeded to hide underneath the sheet.

It amazes me sometimes what entertains them, even with all of the expensive toys in the house. A simple sheet and their imaginations make for a good pre-bed playtime.

Thanks, Monica, for the idea!

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