Sunday, March 8, 2009

Our school. . .

The school that we helped to start has a new blog.  We are trying to "personalize" our journey and offer insight into what we are trying to accomplish.  It's a less intrusive way for folks to check us out and really see what's going on.  Here is a post I recently contributed about our son, who is in kindergarten at the school.

Here are a few recent conversations between me and my kindergartener:

1) While making his bed. . . “so, Mom, who are some other great artists like Leonardo Da Vinci?” They have been learning about Da Vinci in art class for the past month and obviously it’s accomplished one goal of sparking interest in the masters.

2) Me: “Just because your sister hit you does not mean that you can hit her back.”
Him: “Yes it does, mom. The Bible says so.”
Me: “Where does the Bible say it’s okay to hit your sister??”
Him: “It says ‘Do unto others as they do unto you.’”
I had to chuckle a bit before I explained the meaning of this verse. Obviously his ability to memorize might exceed his ability to fully understand at this age. However, when the understanding catches up with the memory he will be so well-equipped!!!

3) Sometimes we let the children watch their favorite show together which airs at 6:30, just before bedtime. The show is divided into 3 stories. One night recently, I told them they could only watch for ten minutes or so because they were both so exhausted and needed to get in bed. I could see his wheels start turning.
Him: “So how long is ten minutes?”
Me: “Honey you will watch about half of the show.” I know that the show is actually only about 22 minutes long.
Him: “So is that one story or two?”
Me: “You can watch just the first story, so one.”
Him: “Then that is not half, hmmm, that is one out of three.”
Me: (smiling) “Yes, son, you are correct.”

I was a math major. I was and still am obsessed with numbers. I, too, would have sat there and figured out the ratio of the show I was going to watch. Oh, the butterflies I got when I heard him say this. They are the same butterflies I get when he talks about a pattern, or subtracts to figure out the number of days left in the month, or talks about how amazing it is that 3+4 is the same as 4+3: 7!


More wonderful to me than all of these very academic breakthroughs is that he knows the Lord is at the center of it all. It’s because of God’s hand that the artists’ hands can paint His creation. The word of God etched on their little hearts will serve them over and over again as they grow and mature.  Only a God of order could create such beauty as the beauty of numbers and the predictability of math. I am thankful that as the knowledge he gains takes him in all different directions, his heart is firmly planted in allegiance and wonder of His glorious Creator.

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