Saturday, January 10, 2009

Who's informing the electorate?

So tonight I saw this story and I just cannot let it go by without commenting.  All of my faithful readers are waiting to hear my opinion I'm sure :)  Let it be said that I have some thoughts about the controversy over Rick Warren's invocation at the upcoming inauguration, but I'll save those for another post.

Anne Hathaway, actress extraordinaire (description meant to be sarcastic), has decided to wear a ribbon to show her rejection of Rick Warren as the pastor chosen by Obama to pray at the inauguration.  Like anyone cares.  Judging by her choice of company (her ex-fiance is currently serving a jail term for some kind of white-collar theft) and her occupation (which requires little education, integrity, or values) no one should be influenced by her opinion of PEBO's choices.

It sickens me the way Hollywood has jumped on the Obama bandwagon and America just seems to follow along behind them, tongues hanging and tails wagging.  These people are ENTERTAINERS.  Unfortunately they also have the media machine at their disposal.  I have lost a lot of faith in my generation and the ones to follow with the way this most recent election went down.   Our President is the winner of the most-popular contest and if you ask the average young American a few questions about what his plans for the office are I bet you won't receive many informed answers.

I just wish celebrities like Anne Hathaway, who is quickly becoming one of my least-favorite, would stick to their day job.  Either that or I wish the average American would wise-up and take the initiative to learn about current events and form their own, informed opinions.

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