Monday, January 19, 2009

God speaks

It's been a very difficult 24 hours.  Yesterday the baby girl turned 2 weeks old, and she is starting to wake up more.  She had been such a sleepy little girl, barely even squeaking to let me know she was hungry.  Yesterday evening at about 8:30 she remained awake after her feeding. . . and stayed awake until 2am.  

I fed her, diapered her, swaddled her, rocked her, swayed with her, fed her again, tried the pacifier, tried laying her down with me in my bed, tried to feed her yet again. . . all to no avail. When I laid her down she grunted her way up to a nice, loud cry each time within a few minutes. I suspect gassiness or maybe not liking the new formula we started over the weekend. . . but the doctor was closed today so I might not have a real answer until tomorrow.  

My husband was working night-shift last night and this was my first time with all three children under my care without a helper around.  Bedtime went off for the older two without too much fighting and I thought things were going great.  About 1:30 this morning and I was beginning to wonder what I was thinking leaving my mom's as soon as I did yesterday.  

I think I got around 2 hours sleep last night.  My husband is on night-shift again tonight so he came home and went straight to sleep.  Being the saint that he is, he woke up a couple of hours early so I could get a nap this afternoon.   I was really grouchy and a pain all day, singing the "woe is me" tune loudly to anyone who would listen.

Then I sat down on the computer this evening after dinner and I decided to catch up on reading the blogs I subscribe to.  One of them had links to two other bloggers who had recently had babies.  Both of these ladies had normal, healthy pregnancies and their babies were born at full-term.  Neither was expecting an infant with health problems.  Both of their babies are literally fighting for their lives in NICUs far from home.  

God speaks loudly when our attitudes need adjusting.  I am thankful, and I listened.  Off to kiss the grunty baby lounging happily in her baby papasan chair -- and to gear up for what might be another long night ahead.

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