Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Little Girl's Dream

This evening my 3-year-old daughter told me about a dream she once had.  She said that before she was born, before she was in my tummy, Jesus held her in His arms.  She said that after that He put her down in the clouds and I flew by in an airplane.  When she saw me, she wanted me to be her momma, so she jumped in the airplane and got in my tummy.

This got the tears flowing.  Little did she know that I rarely fly in an airplane, but I did fly when I was about six weeks pregnant with her to see her dad while he was on a work trip.  Maybe children really do choose their parents. . . 

And I sincerely hope that each baby that comes to live with us here on earth gets a big, loving hug from Jesus before they start their journey.  

I just started reading the book Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge.  It's a study we are doing in Sunday school about unveiling the mystery of a woman's soul.  The first chapter talks a lot about little girls and what they dream of.  Reading this four days postpartum after having a new daughter (and with the sweet 3-yr-old sibling mentioned above) has really gotten the tears flowing.  However, it is amazing to read about the common threads we women all seem to share and then witness these traits coming alive in my own daughter.  I am excited about this study and I think it comes at a great time in my life.


  1. Ok, that is a tear jerker!!! Glad you're soaking up these moments and enjoying the new book. I'm looking forward to reading it a second time and it's only been a week or so since I finished it! So when are you going to let me come photograph Miss Wren? Love, Kelly

  2. Comment #2 - So will you subscribe to my blog if I ever get it up? :-)
    Love, Your dedicated subscriber (aka Kelly)
