Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Protein Shake

So this morning I had a protein shake for breakfast. Besides the fact that it made me 30 minutes late for work, hit my gag reflex several times, spilled a bit in the car, caused a big mess with the food processor that will be waiting for me later on. . . it wasn't too bad. Here's the recipe:

2 scoops vanilla protein powder (I used a mix of soy and whey)
6 oz. water
handful ice
1/2 cup frozen cherries
1/2 banana
1 tablespoon flax oil
2 tablespoons flaxseed meal
1 tablespoon almond butter

I got the recipe from the book The UltraSimple Diet: Kick-Start Your Metabolism and Safely Lose Up to 10 Pounds in 7 Days which is basically a seven-day detox that you do to jumpstart weight loss. I am not sure I will follow the detox exactly - my goal is really just to break my addictions to caffeine and sugar in order to stabilize my hunger patterns.

I am looking forward to making exercise a priority again as well. I am planning to start Couch-to-5K soon to build myself back up to the running I was doing last summer. The past nine months have been hard, but I have to stop beating myself up physically by not exercising and eating unhealthily. I believe in the link between nutrition and emotions and energy - despite my circumstances I can be healthy and happy!

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