Monday, September 26, 2011


My knee is bothering me. I cannot define it any more specifically than that. My dr. says tendons and ligaments feel fine - so it's just inflammation in the cushioning surrounding the knee.

It hurts when I drive (it's my right knee).

I had visions of starting C25K but I obviously can't. My dr. says to do low-impact (for me, that is swimming) stuff for a while until it doesn't bother me anymore. I ice it when it does bother me (breaststroke kick actually bothers it a little).

I am trying REALLY hard not to let this derail me. I really am. I am just so competitive and to be sidelined when I had such a good momentum going is hard to deal with. I am not good when faced with challenges like this. I have a give-up reflex.

Add to this life-related stress like trying to decide whether to go to work full-time or stay on my self-employed path (which means I'll have to actually LAUNCH my business instead of just talking about it - eek) and I am just in a rut.

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