Monday, August 1, 2011

7 Days of Yoga - Day 1

I am participating in Krissie's 7 Days of Yoga challenge/group. This morning, I woke up and decided to try a website I have heard a lot about:

Yoga Download is great because there are a lot of free workouts that you can download or watch/listen to and even the workouts that aren't free are still very inexpensive. This website would be a great way to ease into yoga OR add to your at-home workout regimen. I am not new to yoga, but I have not incorporated it regularly into my routine before, and I have mostly done more power yoga type workouts.

I arose at 5:30 am knowing that we have a busy day ahead. I have to take Flower for her kindergarten dr. visit (sniff, sniff) and we also have lots of house stuff to get to work on this week. I knew that a little morning yoga would relax me enough to be able to get my prayer time in and do a few chores before the little ones awoke.

I chose to do a beginner's yoga workout that was 20 minutes long. You can see in the window here that you have a lot of options even for beginning yoga. The 20-min version was free and fit in my time frame, so I went with that one.

This was an audio workout, and it included a pose guide pdf. I found it easy to follow, and the instructor's voice was very soothing. It was exactly what I needed to start my day.

For my 7 days I am focusing on using yoga as a source of meditation/relaxation since I already have my cardio and strength routines nailed down. After my yoga I enjoyed my breakfast, some much needed prayer and scripture, and got a few chores done before everyone got up.


  1. I would LOVE for you to join me in my Facebook logout!

    Did you find it difficult to do the yoga moves with just audio, or were the pictures helpful enough? I feel like I would be confused if I didn't have someone to watch.

  2. Because I have done yoga before, I didn't find it hard to do it with the audio. I studied (glanced?) at the pdf of the poses before beginning, and that would help someone who has never done any yoga.

    You could also print out the pose guide, I guess, and have it nearby. There are plenty of downloads on there that have video, too. This was just the one I happened to pick. :)

    Oh, and I have been really intentional about not getting on FB! I think it's more of a habit than anything for me. . .and breaking the habit will be really good.
